27/07/2024 2:26 AM

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The Health Maniacs

Treatment For Hair Loss For Women

2 min read
Treatment For Hair Loss For Women

In this article I’m going to talk about treatment for hair loss for women. One of the biggest myths is that hair loss is mainly dealt with by men. However, women account for up to 40% of hair loss sufferers in America. Hair loss is something that takes away a woman’s self esteem and emotional well being. Society is less accepting to women with hair loss which makes this condition hard to deal with. Below are some effective treatments you can take to help get your hair back.

Hair Transplant Surgery – This is often looked at as the gold standard for hair treatment. Have you ever noticed how the hair in the back of your head usually doesn’t get lost if your are balding? This is because the hair in the back and sides of your head are resistant to baldness. Hair transplant surgery works by removing section of hair follicles from these resistant areas and surgically inserting them into areas where you are balding. This will allow you to treat your hair loss for good in the long run. The only problem with hair transplant surgery is the procedure is extremely costly. Depending on how much hair you want transplanted, the surgery can cost from $4000 all the way up to $100,000. This is way out of the budget for most women.

Cyproterone Acetate – This is a used to help people lessen their sex drive drive, especially in men. Ironically it is also prescribed to women to help treat baldness. Cypoterone Acetate helps by blocking DHT from binding to receptors in your hair follicles. DHT is a hormone that when attached to hair follicles, shrinks and stops their growth. The only problem with this is it’s not available in the US and its looked at as one of the last options you should take because there may be long term negative side effects.

Best Option – Herbal Hair Loss Treatment – The best and safest option is to take herbal hair loss supplements. I say this because unlike many other treatments such as Cypoterone Acetate, there are hardly any negative side effects, therefore it is much more realistic to add this into your lifestyle for the long. Herbal hair loss supplements will give your body essential vitamins, minerals, and herbs to that your body needs to maintain normal functions such as hair growth. A few of the effective programs will contain the ingredient Minoxidil, which is the only FDA approved ingredient that has been clinically shown to stimulate new hair growth. From user feedback of past customers, I’ve heard a lot of positive things being said. For these reasons herbal hair loss formulas may be one of the best treatment for hair loss for women.

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