Saw Palmetto For Hair Loss – 2 Ways to Use Saw Palmetto For Hair Loss
If you haven’t heard about using saw palmetto for hair loss yet, then you’ve really been missing out! First let’s clear something about why you have hair loss. Hair loss occurs during hormonal imbalances and when your testosterone turns into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short. DHT forms when 5-alpha reductase converts your own testosterone, so the real enemy here is 5-alpha reductase.
So why is saw palmetto effective for hair loss?
OK let’s get on with the good stuff! Saw palmetto is a natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. What’s that mean? In essence, it means if you take and/or apply saw palmetto on your hair, you can effectively stop further hair loss, since you’re eliminating the prime suspect for the cause of hair loss, 5-alpha reductase.
How to use saw palmetto for hair loss
You have 2 options to use saw palmetto to treat your baldness. You can take saw palmetto vitamin pills, which are taken orally. Taking in saw palmetto in this way will drastically reduce the amount of DHT circulating throughout your body. Take 2 pills daily to start to notice thicker hair, the longer you take it, the better your hair will look and feel. I know when I started taking saw palmetto, my hair felt so much healthier and stronger.
The other way to use saw palmetto is to take a bottle of softgels, you know, the softgels you can buy at any pharmacy. Now these softgels are important, because they are in “Free Fatty Acid Form”. This means you can take softgels and use them topically on your scalp, highly effective in restoring your hair follicles.
I prefer this method slightly over taking in the saw palmetto, simply because all of the extract is directly applied to the affected area you want to heal, your hair! Here are a few tips on how to apply saw palmetto on your hair and scalp. First, take 2 small bowls, put some shampoo on it, then squeeze the saw palmetto extract from the soft gel, and drop it on the shampoo, then mix it.
On the 2nd bowl, put some conditioner on it, then again squeeze and put the saw palmetto extract on the conditioner as well. Then simply jump in the shower, wash your hair with the shampoo, then condition your hair with the mix of the conditioner and the saw palmetto. Please note, at this point, you want to leave in the conditioner for about 5 minutes. Leaving this is will ensure your scalp and hair follicles absorb all of the nutrients and properties from the saw palmetto.
Why is this effective for hair loss?
Leaving in the conditioner on your scalp longer means your hair will benefit long after you rinse out the conditioner. The saw palmetto gets absorbed by your scalp and quickly is stored in your hair follicles, destroying 5-alpha reductase and removing DHT from your hair shafts.