06/02/2025 11:50 PM

Baen Scriptions

The Health Maniacs

Interton Hearing Aids- High-Tech, High-End

Interton, the leader among Germany’s hearing devices manufacturers for more than four decades, has long bee known for its motto,” High-Tech–Made in Germany.”

And Interton has been building on that reputation in the 21st century, with its new, artificial-intelligence equipped BIONIC behind-the-ear and ear-canal Interton hearing aids. These Interton hearing aids borrow the ADRO technology from research done for Interton’s cochlear implant program, a program done, like all of Interton’s research, with help from both university science departments and semi-conductor industry leaders.

ADRO technology is designed to maximize the performance of digital Interton hearing aids; employing fuzzy logic, it creates highly flexible signal processing, an unprecedented degree of speech clarity and user comfort because BIONIC does not compress auditory signals.

The latest advance in Interton hearing aids is their Receiver-in-the-Ear technology, which is a mix of the best features from both behind the ear and in the ear hearing devices. The RITE, as the Interton hearing aid is dubbed, has its receiver, which is normally positioned externally, placed in the user’s ear canal.

This placement gives the user sound comparable to that produced from a completely-in-the-canal hearing system, but allows the comfort of a behind-the-ear fit, making it suitable for a broader range of users.

Another of Interton’s breakthrough technologies is the 2003 IQ 16-bit processor, which in spite of its remarkable speed consumes a negligible amount of energy, lengthening the life of the user’s Interton hearing aid batteries. The Interton hearing aids incorporating IQ technology also offer their MIP–Mobile Interference Protection for interference-free cellular phone calls; Adaptive Beamforming for efficient noise reduction; and Adaptive Feedback manager for the elimination of feedback.

Behind the ear Interton hearing aids with the Open Fit design and thin, barely noticeable sound tubes are both comfortable and natural in appearance; the Open Fit BTEs include both the RITE hearing aids and several other models.

But the most perfectly-fitting Interton hearing aids are the ITEs–in-the-ear devices built from a custom mold of the user’s ears. ITEs vary in size form the completely-in-the-canal model, which is nearly invisible, to the full shell model which covers both the outer ear and the canal.

Finally, one of Interton’s most remarkable innovation is their wireless CROS system. Interton haring aids with CROS system transmits the sound from a severely or completely deaf ear to the user’s functional ear, meaning that he or she will be able to understand conversations no matter where the speakers are situated.

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