Feeling Tired? Give Your Energy Levels A Boost With EFT
Are you waking up in the mornings feeling drained, does it take you ages to get going and come lunchtime, you just want to go to bed? Permanent exhaustion is a widespread problem. Our lifestyles demand that we keep going, going, going, no matter what our bodies are telling us. We are forever packing more into our day and having a rest is fawned upon as being lazy.
Tiredness has also a number of unpleasant side effects: It makes us feel irritable, we get stressed more easily, solving even the slightest problem can appear like attempting to climb Mount Everest. When you are permanently tired you simply cannot function effectively. Tiredness can affect your entire life, including your job, your relationships and of course your health. Since everything you do takes longer when you are feeling tired, you are constantly exacerbating the problem creating more stress for yourself.
Fortunately, modern energy therapy provides us with quick and effective methods to change this unpleasant state of affairs really quickly:
Let us take a look what tiredness really means: Tiredness simply means that your vibrational energy levels are below par. This in turn affects our thinking. Negative, limiting thinking equals low energy whilst positive, constructive thinking equals high energy levels. Therefore, when you are feeling tired, you will want an easy and quick way to raise your vibrational energies. You can do this by applying energy therapy.
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, is my preferred tool for the job. Within minutes EFT will lift you out of your tiredness, boosting your energy levels. Your mind becomes sharper, almost instantaneously, you feel more positive and of course you get more jobs done faster, as your system re-energises itself.
Sounds too good to be true? Let me share with you why EFT is so simple, powerful and effective
When using EFT you focus the mind on a specific problem, tiredness, for example, whilst at the same time tapping with your fingertips on a number of meridian points to stimulate the body’s energy system. Mind focus together with the action of physical tapping is a very fast way to change your vibrational energy almost instantaneously.
As you feel your energy increasing you dissolve any resistance to changing your mind state.You now move effortlessly into problem solving mode. You continue tapping and focusing on the issue you wish to resolve.
By tuning into the vibrational frequency of your emotional state you can change it quickly thus releasing the unwanted emotion and creating the space for positive thoughts and feelings to enter. As a result your emotional state can be changed in a matter of minutes. I use EFT on anything. When I feel tired and exhausted I do a few rounds of tapping. It always restores my energetic equilibrium, allowing me to be persistently creative in my job and come up with solutions to problems, no matter how challenging they first appear. Anyone can learn EFT easily and quickly. Give yourself a gift, and learn EFT, I promise you, you will wonder how you coped without it.