06/02/2025 6:25 PM

Baen Scriptions

The Health Maniacs

EFT Tapping Cures Extreme Chronic Acid Reflux

EFT Cured Extreme Chronic Acid Reflux in Two Sessions

A lot of you may know that emotional stress often underlies any number of physical pains and illnesses, and that if you can find a way to deal with the emotional stress, it relieves the physical illness.

I had a client a few years ago-we’ll call her Sally-who, for 2 years in the recent past, had suffered from severe acid reflux due to irritable bowel disease, so bad that she was hospitalized several times. It had started happening again in the last few months. What would happen is that her stomach would start to burn and then the burning would rise up through her esophagus and throat and, every time, she would end up vomiting. It was extremely painful. This was happening a lot again lately. Doctors had tried several medications but nothing helped. They were out of ideas. Sally was open to EFT Tapping, an energy psychology.

EFT Works for Physical Pain and Illnesses

I specialize in a method called EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques-which is extremely effective with stress, trauma, PTSD and often with physical pain and illnesses. It also works really well for phobias and fears, anxieties, allergies, addictions, weight issues, and physical and emotional after-effects of injuries and accidents.

How EFT Works

Researchers have discovered that physical pain is often the result of stress, which makes sense, because, when our nervous system is stressed or traumatized, one of the ways this manifests is physical pain. For example, our muscles might cramp, our stomach might hurt, we might get headaches, or burning feelings, etc. So, if we can calm the nervous system, it often leads to pain disappearing. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is great for that. We tap on energy meridians (it’s like acupuncture without the needles!), while focusing on the emotional pain underlying the physical pain. EFT Tapping is more effective than many other modalities because it also deals with the parts of us that might be afraid of making changes.

Anger-the Underlying Emotional Pain

When she first came in, Sally mentioned that she was going to visit a relative we’ll call John, to whom she used to be very close. This person was her best friend and had helped her through the craziness of her family during childhood. But now John was very jealous of her for a number of reasons and so they argued a lot. Sally was angry at John and full of anxiety.

As she was talking about this, her stomach started burning!

We started EFT Tapping, focusing on the anger. The burning lessened, and she noticed that now she was aware she was sad that she couldn’t share with John and that she was actually giving up on him. This was a huge loss for her.

Sadness-the Second Underlying Emotional Pain

We did some more EFT Tapping, this time on the sense of sadness and loss around giving up on the relationship. The burning stopped!

She Had Never Been Able to Stop the Burning Once it Started

But this time, it stopped. She felt like things were shifting inside her. She cried, because she was so moved that this time, the burning didn’t get worse and worse, rise up in her throat, and make her vomit. It just stopped!

Getting to the Emotional Cause Cured Acid Reflux

At a follow-up appointment, Sally said that, every time the burning started, she was able to stop it by just beginning EFT Tapping. She didn’t even have to go through the whole sequence of tapping. After several times of tapping on her own, the burning never even started again. In a few other sessions, we worked on another physical illness, which was also cured. The acid reflux never came back.

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