10/02/2025 4:25 AM

Baen Scriptions

The Health Maniacs

Human Growth Hormones and Hair Loss

You are tired of seeing your hair fall every time you pass the hairbrush through your hair. You feel embarrassed when somebody loudly announces the grey hair she has seen on your head. You plan to take human growth hormones to get that beautiful hair.

To both men a woman, thick dense hair adds beauty to their looks. Women look prettier and men look more handsome. However, if you begin to lose on your hair, it becomes depressing. Hair fall, hair thinning, and grey hair at an early age are all very upsetting. No matter how many types of conditioner we use and consume herbal medicines to improve our hair problems, we never succeed. This is because it is important to clear the problem from its roots for best results.

Growth hormones produces in the pituitary glands help the growth of hair. Your quality of hair improves. Nevertheless, have you ever thought; increased level of growth hormones can reverse the effects as well?

There are articles based on several studies and researches that state that growth hormones do have positive effects on hair. Many patients have also reported loss of hair after being treated for acromegaly by various medications. For instance, octreotide. Acromegaly is disease that is caused by an increase in level of human growth hormones in the body.

Growth hormones cannot be only taken for poor hair conditions. Growth hormones affect several parts of the body. Like, the heart, the liver, the kidney, skin, etc. This is why you see and feel various changes in you once you start taking HGH. Your skin’s elasticity gets enhanced, your energy level is boosted, you get good sleep, you lose weight and body mass becomes lean, muscles become stronger, sexual potency improves, memory imrpoves… and the list will never stop. Therefore, HGH or human growth hormones cannot be taken for hair problems only. In addition, it solely does not justify why HGH should be used for treating hair problems.

Medical problems cause hair loss. Improper care of hair causes hair problems. It is important to get to the roots of the problem instead of taking growth hormones with any consultation. It is wise to consult a doctor why you suffering from hair loss problems. The most common reason why one loses hair are:

– Thyroid disorders

– Iron deficiency

– Malfunctioning of the immune system automatically

– Hormonal imbalance in a woman

– If you have been on other medications for a long time, it also causes hair fall. This is because, most of the medications heats up the system of the body. This causes hair fall.

Human growth hormones will not completely solve hair loss problem because it does not affect a single system in the body. It affects several other vital organs. Besides this, there has been no justification for the usage of growth hormones for hair loss.

A healthy lifestyle, proper diet, and regular care of hair will help you restore the beauty of your hair.

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