It’s important to find out the truth behind pulsatile tinnitus because any one can suffer from this affliction at any point in time. It involves hearing a roaring sound in the ear which does not exist. Does pulmonary hypertension cause pulsatile tinnitus? Pulmonary hypertension can become a cause of this disease when there is an enhanced pressure felt by the victim on the brain.
This condition of pulmonary hypertension includes more pressure on the cerebrospinal fluid that is present inside the brain. In the pulsatile tinnitus, the noise in the ear is present in the form of a rhythmic pulse that occurs with the heartbeat. It is like a regular sound that occurs due to a stoppage in the blood flow.
Pulmonary hypertension can be the cause of pulsatile tinnitus but you can cure it pressing the neck slightly on the impacted side. The only way a patient can find out whether he is getting the tinnitus due to such hypertension is when his opening pressure is even higher than 200.
Tinnitus can have severe repercussions on the life of a person. It ensures that the sufferer finds it tough to sleep. It’s true that pulmonary hypertension (Benign Intracranial Hypertension) can lead to pulsatile tinnitus which is accompanied by nausea, visual illusions, hearing loss and headache. Tinnitus cannot become a problem when the sufferer becomes used to it and he may learn to ignore the noise and sleep normally.
The truth of the matter is that tinnitus sufferers find it tough to carry out even the basic tasks because they constantly lose their attention. They are deprived of the joy of living a normal life due to tinnitus. Seeing a medical doctor may be a good choice but recent researches show that tinnitus sufferers only make their suffering worst by their out the conventional methods. The best way to deal with the problem is to go “natural”.
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