02/05/2024 8:25 PM

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The Health Maniacs

Common Paediatric Respiratory Issues in the UK

5 min read
Child winter respiratory illness on rise in summer - BBC News

Being a parent, it’s a matter of concern to fully prevent your little one from catching a virus. Chest infections inflame the alveoli in the lungs of children. It generates pus resulting in fever, chills, cough, and breathing issues. Microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi and chemicals like oil are responsible for the disease.

Dr Sarika Husain, a board-certified paediatrician at Private Paediatric Respiratory Physician in UK, and a mom of one shared her tips for the most common paediatric respiratory issues in the UK. Common Paediatric Respiratory issues in the UK

Being a parent, it’s a matter of concern to fully prevent your little one from catching a virus. Chest infections inflame the alveoli in the lungs of children. It generates pus resulting in fever, chills, cough, and breathing issues. Microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and chemicals like oil are responsible for the disease.

Board-certified pediatricians at Private Paediatric Respiratory Physicians in the UK shared their tips for the most common pediatric respiratory issues in the UK. The lung condition amongst children deteriorates with the following issues.

● Asthma in children

This disease is common in childhood. However, people can develop it at any point in their life. Surprisingly, people over the age of 50 are often diagnosed with this lung disorder. Asthma, be it childhood or an adult-onset, have the same symptoms and similar treatments. Congenital Asthma is when a person’s inherited genetic structure predisposes to have Asthma. Around three-fifths of asthma, cases are hereditary.

Often, Asthma runs in the family, but not everyone in the family acquires it. Several people with Asthma have eczema or hay fever. A child from a family history with such conditions is more likely to have Asthma. 

● Pneumonia in children 

Pneumonia arises depending on the intricacy of the microorganism that penetrates the lungs.

1. Community-acquired Pneumonia may give rise to pleural effusion, lobar Pneumonia, emphysema, and atypical Pneumonia. Younger kids may suffer from mild to severe viral infections. 

2. Hospital-acquired Pneumonia is more serious than caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, where children who suffer are sick already. Youngsters in intensive care units or on ventilators are at greater risk of this kind of Pneumonia.

3. Children who receive treatment in outpatient clinics suffer from healthcare-acquired Pneumonia, a bacterial-born disease that occurs. The bugs accountable are supposed to be antibiotic-resistant.

4.     Aspiration pneumonia occurs due to accidental inhalation of food, drink, or saliva into the lungs in case the normal gag reflex is disturbed. 

Pneumonia is one of the notable spurs of neonatal respiratory distress and is most typically attained at birth. Respiratory distresses affect up to 7% of term neonates and depict one of the most common causes for admission to the neonatal intensive care unit.

● Bronchiectasis in children

Bronchiectasis is a chest infection where airways in the lungs become scarred and damaged. Unfortunately, if your kid has bronchiectasis, they usually have it for life. 

Bronchiolitis and RSV

In Bronchiolitis, a child’s lung is infected by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). There is mucus production and swelling in the small breathing tubes of your kid’s lungs. Children under two years of age mostly suffer during the winter. 

RSV causes mild cold-like symptoms. Your kid can recover in a week or two.

Bronchiolitis obliterans in children

Obliterative Bronchiolitis is a clinical syndrome marked by cough and progressive dyspnea with the absence of parenchymal lung disease in radiographic studies. Pulmonary function testing reveals an obstructive ventilatory defect that inhaled Bronchodilator can’t reverse.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a chronic lung ailment that can affect your newborn if born prematurely and require oxygen therapy. In BPD, the bronchi and lungs are damaged, causing tissue destruction in the alveoli.

● Children’s interstitial lung disease (chILD)

The chILD is a wide term for a group of rare lung diseases that can affect teens, children, and babies. The diseases have some similar symptoms like chronic cough, rapid breathing, and shortness of breath. They also harm their lungs in similar ways.

● Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM)

A congenital pulmonary airway malformation is a mass of abnormal fetal lung tissue formed during pregnancy. The lesion is usually detected in one lung, which stops it from functioning as normal lung tissue. Lesions vary in appearance and size that can change significantly during the pregnancy.

● Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited life-threatening disease that damages your kid’s lungs and digestive system. It affects the cells producing mucus, digestive juices, and sweat. Thick fluids plug up their ducts, tubes, and passageways. Unfortunately, the condition cannot be cured forever, but you can consult doctors to control it.

● Tuberculosis 

In Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects the lungs rather than any other body organ. The preventable disease is airborne. Pediatricians suggest a BCG vaccine to protect your child against TB as per the recommendations of the NHS. Children, babies, and adults below 35 years are more likely to get TB. If you are living in an area with a high rate of TB with your children or have exposure to close family members residing or working in countries with a high TB rate, you are in the risk group. 

The common cold is very common, and there’re lots of viruses out there that can make your kid get eight to twelve colds a year. Sniffles are not a cause to stress. Usually, the regular cold takes three to seven days to heal. According to Paediatric Respiratory Physicians in Manchestergood hygienic practices, vaccination, abstaining from smoke exposure, and practicing a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, a well-nourished diet, and routine exercise are beneficial to prevent lung disorders.

Below are the tips for dealing with the issue.

1. Remembering the basics

2. Sanitizing smartly

3. Checking Fever 

4. Remaining hydrated

5. Staying energized

6. Checking for retractions

7. Picking the right cough syrup

8. Stopping the snot with saline

9. Cuddling could be a cure

10. Keeping it contained

However, if you stay near Manchester City, never delay consulting the Respiratory Paediatrician in Manchester when you feel it’s time to.

A parent can’t spot whether it is just the sniffles or something more severe. You must consult a pediatrician before you decide to go somewhere. Your pediatrician can help you determine whom to contact or where to go next whenever necessary. Pediatricians can offer the right care level. They suggest designating his bathroom apart from other kids and barring him from sharing utensils, toys, and anything else for a few days.

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